Programm / Schedule
17. „Der phantastische Trashfilm“ in Kassel“
Programm / Schedule – Samstag 14. Mai 2022

German Audience Award Voting:
1. Bad Rap Rising – Davide Grisolia (Award Winner)
2. Wut – Jens Kipper
3. Der Deal – David Gödert
International Audience Award Voting:
1. Draining – Guillaume Chevalier / France (Award Winner)
2. Survivers – Carlos Gómez-Trigo / Spain
2. Escalation – Christian Bachini / Italy
3. Part Forever – Alan Chung-An, Ou / Taiwan
SCHEDULE /Ablaufplan
Freitag 13.05.2022 ab 19 Uhr

Bad Rap Rising – Davide Grisolia / 36:27 min
Ein Team von Archäologen finden in einem alten Tempel eine Kryo-Schlafkapsel und befreien versehentlich das darin schlafende Monster: BAD RAP, ein genmanipulierter Dinosaurier-Alien-Hybrid.

Aquarium, oder was gerade noch gefehlt hat – Henri Päffgen / Dresden 15:15 min
Das Wartezimmer ist ein seltsamer Mikrokosmos. Denn hier gilt ein ganz eigener, perfekt komponierter Verhaltenskodex. Durch diese Geschichte stolpern drei Patient:innen, um ihrem Marionettendasein zu entkommen. Das hat gerade noch gefehlt…

Der Deal – David Gödert / Köln 3:58 min
Eine Viertelmillion Dollar und heiße Ware. Fliegen die Löcher aus dem Käse oder wird der Deal glatt über die Bühne gehen wie Raclette auf Teflon?

Wut – Jens Kipper / Krefeld 5:44 min
A man…an opinion…a disaster

Full Metal Girl – Thomas Jordan / Kassel 3:49 min
Das Fernsehen zeigt Krieg. Full Metal Girl zeigt sich und ihre Waffen.
Um aus dieser Welt zu entkommen, müssen Körper und Technik eins werden.

Draining – Guillaume Chevalier / France 17:22 min
Eight colleagues fish on a mountain lake. Then one of their colleagues falls into the water… and doesn’t go up. Then a second one disappears. There’s something underneath that’s trying to get them to the depths.

The Lesson – Alisa Selishchava / Spain 15:00 min
A modern fairy tale of anger and arrogance. The story is set in Mallorca, revealing the particular relationship between a single mother and a spoiled daughter. The mother’s patience is coming to an end. It’s time to give a creative lesson to our «princess».

Dynamite – Jim Vieille / France 4:37 min
April 2020. Lêg always stays locked up at home, engrossed by screens that all broadcast the same image : a burning car. But is it the outside world that smoulders or Lêg himself ?

Clearance Sale – Sarower Reza Jimi / Estonia 3:42 min
A man wants the last pair from a sale. There is a catch getting it.

Thirst – Chen Markowitz / Israel 9:59 min
In a post-apocalyptic world after an unknown catastrophe, a mother, a father, and their son try to survive after their water runs out. The father leads them in a stiff way. The plot unfolds humanity’s true nature- deep down we are not different from other animals.

Intruder – Adam Mick Laughlin / United States 2:15 min
In an office restroom, a supervisor finishes berating her employee when a zombie bursts in. Now she must fight for her life against this incredibly unreal intrusion.

Survivers – Carlos Gómez-Trigo / Spain 6:30 min
Natural selection says that only those who adapt will survive. What if humans have become stupid?

Jack the Genie – Grady Gaspare Fiorio / United States 4:54 min
When Keisean and Eli end up in a stiff debate over a genie, they find themselves in a sticky situation.

Escalation – Christian Bachini / Italy 15:00 min
In the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chris, a paranoid and self-centered man, is happily avoiding all human contact, preferring to escape from reality in whatever’s on TV. When a friend reaches out to him to confront him about his past promises, Chris has to decide what kind of person he is inside, or it may just eat him…alive.

Part Forever – Alan Chung-An, Ou / Taiwan 12:33 min
In the dark hall, candles flickered faintly. A body lay in the middle of the hall. Huei and her husband Wen Hsiung came to say goodbye to Huei’s dearest sister. The seemingly calm and sad farewell ceremony seemed to hide an astonishing and dark secret…

Doors – Dennis Cahlo / United States 4:06 min
A woman is terrorized by an unseen force in her home.
Stimmabgabe Publikumspreis
Bekanntgabe der Gewinner des Abends
Programm / Schedule – Samstag 14. Mai 2022
Supporting Program
Rahmen Programm

20 Sharks– Music Clip /
Ralf Kemper und Katharina Brehl / Kassel 5:51 min
Ach so – Experimental /
Polina Piddubna / Berlin 2:36 min
Forbidden Fruit– Musikvideo /
Hank und die Shakers / Kassel 3:24 min
Wild One – Musikclip /
Johnny Torpedo / Frankfurt 4:06 min
Distortion of Ordinary – Experimental /
Surasak Saisinchai / Thailand 3:07 min